Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bebo V's Facebook

Bebo V's Facebook

Facebook, bebo, Msn, Twitter and My Space are some of the most popular global social networking, today.
A means of connecting old friend from school,college, work and allowing people to connect, share links, videos, instant message, and one of the main reasons i use these social networking is to share photos!
Facebook has a fixed blue grey and white layout, the screen is divided into 3 colums
Facebook looks more professional, less cluttered and easy on the eye. Facebook does not let you customise it’s appearance. It's almost like a grown up version of Bebo.

Bebo gives you a similarly simple default layout, but in red and white.
Bebo allows you to apply new "skins" to stylise your page and can be changed or even make your own. Bebo is target at the younger generation which make it more user friendly. there is allot of applications that can be added to your bebo site which make your page look cluttered.

With facebook there is less pressure to pimp your page! Facebook is more common worldwide as I've notices from travelling. A grown up way to social networking, maintains it layout and easy to keep up with.
Facebook wins for me!
Which do you prefer?

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