Friday, November 6, 2009

Icons & Logos


This is interesting i didn't know there was a difference!
From what i can pick up logo and icons are the same visual vocabulary which may lead you to thinking they are the same but they are 2 separate design disciplines.
Logos are graphic elements, trademark or a company brand, set in a special typeface/font or arranges in a legible way. Having distinctive design element ,colour and shape.Also logos are scalable you are not confined and they have no boundaries so you are free to experiment with shapes and size. This is a example of a recognisable logo which has all the elements.

Icons is a graphic symbol which is usually a simple picture or a representation of an image for example the folder below. Icons denote a program, or a computer file. Icons are not scalable, they operate within a complete square canvas which they are restricted too. Logos can easily resemble an icon form. Icons need to be simple images so that they are recognised and a distinctive interpretation to the word.

So they are different!
Seems to be allot of conflict about the two!

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